Saturday 15 December 2012


Below is the simple script for my preliminary task, it's about an unknown problem. 

Katherine: How did we get into this mess?
Tony: I don’t know… what are we gonna do.
Katherine: I don’t know I honestly don’t know.
TonyWhat can we do.
Katherine: Wait...
Tony: We can’t wait forever.
Katherine: I suppose you’re right.
Tony: We’ve just gotta do something. 

The only dialogue in my main artifact is the news story on Daisy's disappearance. Below is the script which I wrote after watching a couple of items on Look East to make sure that I got the correct register and also wrote it in the way that Stewart naturally speaks. 

Stewart: Our top story tonight. Police investigating the disappearance of a teenage girl from Norfolk have made a public appeal for information. The girl was last seen entering the woods near her home at around 2 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon. Police patrols are currently searching the appear nearby following reports a local man heard screaming shortly after she was last seen. Tonight at a police press conference, the girl’s family spoke publically for the first time.

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