Friday 15 February 2013

Evaluation - Introduction

After researching genres then subsequently drafting a few ideas for potential I finally decided that my main product would be a thriller based around the idea of someone getting abducted. From this I used my primary  audience research to define the characters of a vulnerable teenage girl and a mystery male abductor. My supporting artefact was a simple walk through the door production including two people discussing what they should do to solve a mystery dilemma. I have always had an interest in media, due to my father working for the BBC. I also enjoy filming random things such as holidays or family events but I had no previous experience in making and editing a movie. After my research I quickly picked up what codes and conventions needed to be included to make a good thriller movie and I quickly learnt all the tricks for editing my artefacts and even editing music too!
As a career I would like to follow in my father's footsteps and become a director or a producer for the BBC, directing news shows and also working on the technical sides of things operating cameras, doing the sound, lighting, auto cue and also graphics. I find the BBC fascinating, with always something exciting going on and lots of work to keep you going. But I also love the complicated process of producing the news and all the different buttons and joysticks that each control a different element.

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