Sunday 17 February 2013

Evaluation - Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product particularly represents the social group of teenagers and in particular teenage girls. In addition to this, the newsreader Stewart White represents the social group of the vast majority and law abiding citizens of society. The abductor in my media product, completely contrasts this character representing the minority group in society of people on the edge of society who would be viewed as abnormal and criminal. The code of camera angles and more significantly conventions that I used have helped to represent each group.


Stock Characters:
I chose my friend Heather to play the part of Daisy. It is commonly thought that women are the weaker sex. Teenage girls specifically, are depicted as vulnerable and innocent, and this is how I have represented her in my thriller. Another reason that I have used a teenage girl as my main focus, is that she is the same age as my target audience. By doing this, it is easier for my target audience to relate to the film and the situation as if it could happen to them. Therefore the storyline and the characters used represents the social group of my target audience.
The abductor was a white male. The empty beer and wine bottles show the mature nature of the  man, whilst also suggesting an erratic and uncontrolled side. Antagonists are often white males, also seen in 'Se7en' so by using the actor this particular social group is represented in my film too. 
Stewart White representing the social group of law abiding adults completely contrasts the abductor. His daily, shows the authority and normality opposed to the erratic nature of the contrasting character. 

To enhance the character, I got Heather to wear a white top and have her blond hair down, in thrillers the victims will often wear white as it portrays innocence clearly without any confusion. Her clothing is also contemporary and typical of a teenage girl, tying with represent their typical social group.  
The news reader, is clean shaven and wearing an up market pristine suit. This costume completely contrasts the unshaven, black hoodie, of the abductor. Once again representing two social groups that are on completely different ends of the scale. 

The props in Daisy's bag, represent a typical teenage girl and her innocence; once again following the idea that an abduction could happen to anyone. As mentioned before the empty beer and wine bottles point the audience towards the idea that the abductor is at the lower end of society. 


Camera Angles:
A wide range of shots used on Daisy are again high angle shots, once again working with all the other elements to portray the innocence of the social group of teenage girls. 

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