Sunday 17 February 2013

Evaluation - Question Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think my media product has the potential to be distributed by a range of different media institutions. All of the films that I researched where produced by American companies and the British film industry is not known for producing thriller films of high quality. Therefore if it was to be distributed on a large scale, it would be more appropriate for it to be distributed by an American company as they would be able to attract the correct target audience with an expectation for it to be good quality. New Line Cinema distributed 'Se7en' amongst around 500 other films, making it a perfect distributor for my film, due to having vast amounts of experience in the thriller genre. 

As a low budget film I also think it would be appropriate for a small independent company to distribute it in a smaller area, as without the added benefit of well-known actors it could be difficult to get it widely recognised. However, as it includes Stewart White who is know across the whole of East Anglia, it could be successful if it was to be distributed by a small regional company.

In addition to this, there is a lot of focus on new technologies and the rise of the influence of social networking. In the past few years we have seen the rise of 'YouTube Stars' such as Alex
Day, Charlie McDonnell and Carrie Fletcher. These people are among a rising number of people who are currently making a living by making short videos or 'vlogs' for YouTube. Due to this I think that, YouTube would be a great place for my product to be distributed on a large scale all over the world.

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